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How you can benefit from Indoor navigation?

How you can Benefit from Indoor Navigation?

By   Oleg SemyglazovCTO
Published:  August 31, 2021
Updated:  June 26, 2024

Loss of profit in retail trade may occur for various reasons. The most common is the lack of information about the buyer's intentions and behavior.


Consequently, the retailer cannot use the available resources with maximum efficiency and is also unable to provide a targeted impact on the visitor once he leaves the store.


To meet these challenges, we offer our clients a Real-time Locating System (RTLS) Indoor Positioning System!


Direct benefits from using this system are:
  • Increase in sales
  • Increasing the investment attractiveness of the brand

How do you increase sales after installing the system?

  • Targeted advertising
The retailer equips the carts with trackers - devices for tracking the movement of the visitor through the shopping area. As a result, information is collected: where the visitor is heading, which groups of products make him stay, and which ones he passes without even stopping.
Further, the data on all visitors are sent to a single database, where statistics are formed on various indicators for further marketing analysis.
Because trackers read the Bluetooth identifiers of visitors' phones, you can send targeted advertising to each client based on his actions and needs.
The tracking system does not collect personalized data such as name, date of birth, etc., so it is legal.
For example, a visitor is about to buy a TV, as we can see from the tracking data: he quickly walked past other groups of goods and stopped at stands with TVs.
The buyer only looks at the product and leaves the store without buying. But, knowing his interest, we notify him about discounts, promotions, favorable loans or sales of TVs in our store.
As a result, the potential client is likely to return to us and buy the product. And that is not all. Then we will notify him about related products - TV boxes, shelves, brackets.
Therefore, the client purchases not only the TV but also additional goods.
  • Optimization of internal processes
The director of a supermarket or a store often cannot personally supervise the work of the staff.
Employees can irrationally use their working time, space and achieve results over a longer period, which leads to a loss of sales: the display of goods is delayed, promotional materials and price tags are not updated, huge queues accumulate at the checkout due to the absence of sales clerks at their workplaces, etc.
The tracking system allows controlling the location and movement of employees from one area to another, identifying the degree of personnel involvement in work, and promptly taking measures to eliminate violations.
  • Increasing the efficiency of merchandising
The system allows you to study and analyze the flow of visitors and create a heatmap of visits.
It will help you to see what routes customers take from the entrance to the checkout and how long they stand on various shelves, as well as better arrange your products on the shelf to increase sales.
  • Hall control
The system monitors the number of carts in the hall, the places of their congestion, and the workload of a particular trading area. These processes can be monitored in real-time or you can receive notifications on the phone or PC that will help to promptly respond to changes.

How does an indoor positioning system work?

Because GPS systems do not work in enclosed spaces, we are using radiofrequency positioning technology to locate objects. The positioning and tracking system consists of 3 main parts:
  • Transmitting devices - Bluetooth beacons BLE beacons
  • Receiving and transmitting devices - trackers or smartphones on iOS / Android
  • Software - a computing complex that interprets the captured signals
Bluetooth beacons transmit radio signals to trackers in the frequency range of Bluetooth devices. They are located on the walls or ceiling of the sales area.
Trackers are installed on monitored objects - shopping carts or staff badges.
They receive signals from Bluetooth beacons and transmit them to a computer complex, which calculates the current coordinates.
How you can benefit from Indoor navigation?
The software solution of the computing complex, developed by Uran, is based on a universal algorithm for calculating the location of objects.
The layout of Bluetooth beacons and the number of trackers depend on your goals and objectives, the sales floor area, and the layout of the premises.

What are the benefits of this system?

  • Only a one-time easy installation without interfering with engineering systems and without compromising the integrity of the structures. In most cases, the system is installed using the surface mounting method, without disturbing the finishing elements and damaging the interior, and does not require additional cable lines.
  • No need for a Wi-Fi network since the transceiver devices work according to the internal data exchange protocol. This protocol is allowed for use at any facility without additional certification and/or a registration in any regulatory structures, for example, frequency supervisory and sanitary inspection authorities.
  • No intervention in the IT infrastructure. Proprietary software runs either on the local server of the organization (in case of strict security requirements of the organization) or in the cloud under the control of an OS and open-source DBMS.
  • The collection of statistics takes place completely offline, the visitor does not need to install third-party applications. In case you have your application, you can integrate a map with navigation into it to increase customer loyalty.

What are the phases of work for the installation?

  1. We create a complete electronic plan of your premises.
  2. We place a grid of stationary Bluetooth beacons (at least 1 unit per 25-40 square meters of covered area).
  3. We install trackers on objects you need to track.
  4. We test, set up and put the system into operation.
The importance of a tracking system is confirmed by the experience of successful IT platforms like Google-maps, Facebook & Instagram.
Such a leap in development has become possible thanks to a better understanding of the types of things people seek and where the service users can be found. Based on this data, popular platforms effectively target advertising and make money on it.
A positioning and tracking system will help you to overtake competitors and reach the next level of sales. 

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